Original HOWTO Install GNUsocial free social media software by-the-side of existing diaspora* pod on Debian8

Original HowTo by http://juboblo.gr #installingfreesome

  • #canworkwithoutsudo but this HowTo assumes #havesudo . Should be straightforward even #withoutsudo if existing LAMP (GNU/Linux, Apache or Nginx, MariaDB or MySQL and php) installed on the system. I used MariaDB and Nginx since the https://d.consumium.org #diaspora pod is configured to use that.
  • Normative instructions: https://git.gnu.io/gnu/gnu-social/blob/master/INSTALL

    GNU is GNU but GNU is not unikka but they do like each other a whole lot. Under Free Artist Licence – http://artlibre.org/licence/lal/en/ Click pic for credits
  • Also I read these slightly dated Debian specific instructions: https://levlaz.org/installing-gnu-social-on-a-debian-server/

Replacing MySQL with MariaDB

Following these instructions https://askubuntu.com/questions/531455/how-to-drop-in-replace-mysql-with-mariadb (written for Ubuntu14.04) blindly would have made a mess of this  but they still outline what you want to do. Since they wanted to remove the ruby specific stuff which I wanted to stay to retain diaspora* pod working.

So I shut down diaspora* processes the usual waya and MySQL with ‘mysqladmin -uroot -p stop’

The instructions say to

sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server mysql-client mysql-common

but I used instead

sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server mysql-client

Which left the ruby stuff in place which is a good idea since afaik MariaDB is binary  compatible with MySQL add-on stuff

followed by

sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get autoclean
sudo apt-get install mariadb-server

And MariaDB was up and running which I checked by ‘mysql -uroot -p’ so the downtime for the pod was only like 5 minutes for this step.

Installing the dependencies for GNUsocial

‘sudo aptitude install php5-curl php5-gd php5-gmp php5-intl php5-json php5-mysqlnd’

Installing optimizations / accelerators for GNUsocial

I went with this ‘ sudo aptitude install php5-xcache exif’

I’m not sure if php5-xcache (an opcode cache system) is what the official installation instructions refer to as ‘opcache’. At least /etc/php5/mods-available/ is showing a opcache.ini so I’m guess it was that.



Downloading GNUsocial code

‘sudo mkdir /var/www/gnusocial’

‘sudo chgrp www-data /var/www/gnusocial/’

‘sudo chmod g+w /var/www/gnusocial/’

‘sudo git clone https://git.gnu.io/gnu/gnu-social.git gnusocial/’

and you are done

Creating the database

From shell run

mysqladmin -u "root" -p create social
       GRANT ALL on social.*
       TO 'social'@'localhost'
       IDENTIFIED BY 'agoodpassword';

The command above is to be executed in the MariaDB client (start it with ‘mysql -uroot -p social’)

Get an SSL cert and key for your GNU social instance

I have not yet tried out https://letsencrypt.org/ but have heard good things about it and you cannot really beat the price of 0€. A few companies I am clientele of are supporting it financially. Mainly https://gandi.net – a very nice registrar. Good even if not the cheapest around. High sortiment of domain names and rock solid tek with the latest copyleft solutions.

Configure Apache/Nginx with the help of the example .conf files in the directory you cloned the social software into.

You can test the configuration file makes sense by

‘sudo nginx -t’

Remember to reload after editing.

‘sudo service nginx reload’

Finishing up

Once you have configured you httpd there is still one thing to do before proceeding to https://social.example.com/install.php

For some reason the installation guide did not mention that the default settings in the httpd.conf.example file expects unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock; to just be there.

install with

‘sudo aptitude php5-fpm’

This was how I got GNU social to work in the same box as the diaspora* pod.







Original HOWTO migrate GNU/Linux to bigger disk with clean install and grab all apt-gettable software, settings and files

#HowTo #ByJuho – How to install clean GNU/Linukka aka. GNU/Linux onto bigger laptop 2.5″ HDD and all your apt-get’table applications and document and configuration files from an older smaller disk to bigger?

Curious Tux
Curious Tux pic courtesy of https://pixabay.com/en/penguin-tux-animal-bird-cute-158551/

#needsudo not gonna work without sudo rights

#need $20 USB-to-SATA casing and a screwdriver

#alternative similar effect producing method is to use the casing and use dd  to move partitions around and Gparted to resize them.

# what it doesn’t do? It doesn’t move password file so this will no work for a system then one user. It does not move /root-directory contents in case there is something there and it does not move any server software set-up except for the apt-gettable software.


# Run in the old GNU/Linukka to get complete list of # ‘apt-get install’ed packages onto packages.list
‘dpkg –get-selections > packages.list’

# Move this packages.list file (no need to compress it. it is few tens of kilobytes long) to the

# Now you could try
‘sudo dpkg –set-selections < packages.list’
straight ahead but for me it complained about not finding obviously existing packages such as ‘apache2’ so I consulted the dpkg man page

# So first run
‘ sudo apt-get install dselect’
# and run
‘sudo dselect update’

# and you will get the latest fullest catalogue of apt-gettable software from the repositories

# Now you are ready to set dpkg (Debian PacKaGe management) selections from the file
‘sudo dpkg –set-selections < packages.list’

# now install all packages that were set in the previous command from packages.list. This is obviously going to take a some time but you’re almost there.

‘sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade’

# You can now use your favourite method of recovering your files stored in /home are restored

#I didn’t just mount the old /home partition. Instead I put it into a USB-to-SATA casing and used that to connect the HDD into the freshly installed system and copied them over.

# Alternatives are using a 3rd (removable) HDD to move the files or upload to server or cloud and download to new system.

# recursively copying all directories from the old /home partition

‘sudo cp /media/username/UUIDgoeshere /home -R’

Laptop temperature problem solved by high pressure air into the heatsink and some learnings of factors of heat management

System monitoring and control software for [K]ubuntu / copyleft

Resource Monitor
Resource Monitor seen in 2x high panel height

Resource Monitor is a KDE5 Plasma Plasmoid Widget companion to the System Monitor. Install instructions in Muon Discoverer. One dependancy must be installed. It sits in your panel and reports CPU load and frequency, RAM and swap usage  with tiny letters and numbers and graphics. Here seen in 2x high panel height

Psensor Psensor-rational-readingis a copyleft program, specifically GPL licensed  installable from the ubuntu repositories with ‘sudo apt install psensor’

Cpufrequtils (ThinkWiki entry for cpufrequtils)are installable from the Ubuntu repositories by typing ‘sudo apt install cpufrequtils’ and contains 2 commands:

  • cpufreq-info for querying the state of the cores and
  • cpufreq-set for setting parameters.

Thinkpad Fan Control is a fan RPM control software written in C for the Thinkpad series of laptops. Apparently the normal controller has a ceiling at 4,500RPM but according to the internets the fan can be instructed to go 5,500RPM raising the noise pitch and volume slightly.


System monitoring software for WindowsCore Temp screenshot

Core Temp is a freeware Windows program and reports real time temp sensor data ( prlly algorithmically smoothed but much more stable ) and real time CPU frequency multiplier and frequency reading.

CPU-Z by CPUID is another good free-of-charge CPU-Z screenshotWindows program that will give you lot of information about your system also including the frequency multiplier used at each time








Synopsis of the original problem

Psensor displaying problem temperature
Not like this. Psensor showing temperatures where the user is susceptible to system shutting down because of a trigger temperature has been reached or exceeded






Had a machine with a weird temperature problem here… It’s a 2011 Lenovo ThinkPad X201 with a 1st generation i5 known as Arrandale. CPU temperature control, maybe voltage control, maybe amp control is not working correctly in #Kubuntu. (UPDATE: Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge and newer intel systems should use the Intel P-State governor. Installation instructions for [K]ubunu here)

Temperature seems to be mostly dependent on the frequency of the CPU with some correation to load. Reported CPU fan rotation speed is 4,000-4,500 RPM and does not adequately respond to the heat situation.

(UPDATE: Directing high pressure pressurised air into the cooling elements while machine unpowered seems to have remedied the problem.)

#GNU/#Linukka heat shutdowns causing system being unusable. Before anyone starts about the GNU/Linukka treating the system and therefore the user more badly then a Microsoft Windows I must say that air conducts have not been cleaned and silicon heat paste has not been changed to fresh, new. I gonna get supplies to do that when I run into shop.

In Kubuntu15.10 GNU/Linukka burns the chip at ~ 90C ~ 2.0-2.5Ghz operating speed causing emergency shutdown because of temperature because the readings viewed in Psensor may flux 15-20C somewhat interdependent of CPU load. Windows 7 keeps the CPU ~ 1.5-2.0GHz quite independent from the load and the temps are in the acceptable ~ 70C zone with only 2-4C variance in the readings reported by CoreTemp.


* Bought a pressure air can and blasted the visible from exterior heat sink



On the SAFE Network, SafeCoin cryptocash and what’s going to happen in the future

#maidsafe #freenode #irc #logmaidsafe-logo-motif


[18:13] <jubo2> Suppose a situation where the SAFE Network has been opearting for N years

[18:14] <jubo2> … providing value to the beneficiaries of the commons

[18:15] <jubo2> … and fairly lotterying SafeCoin to the Farmers and the Builders

[18:15] <jubo2> [18:07] <jubo2> #1 Did SafeCoin guarantee the provision of valuable things in the past? Yes.

[18:15] <jubo2> [18:07] <jubo2> #2 Does SafeCoin currently guarantee the provision of valuable things? Well it is up, ain’t it?

[18:08] <jubo2> #3 Do you feel confident that the SafeCoin will guarantee also in future the provision of more and more services and resources to the beneficiaries of the commons?

[18:15] <jubo2> [18:09] <jubo2> All points #1, #2, #3 hold true for money, gold and SafeCoin _when_ MaidSafe has operated for N years?


[18:16] <jubo2> the point is that by the time the 4-gigacoin ceiling is hit the system will have moved to a hybrid model between socialism and free marketism

[18:17] <jubo2> and when the bell tolls for 4-gigacoins minted and paid to the farmers and builders the exchange rates between SafeCoin and other currencies has formed and also transition to free market has been seen when entities start charging SafeCoin from the bigger users

[18:18] <jubo2> So it starts out as pure socialism

[18:19] <jubo2> if all the connected world just hooked up their old boxes to wired internet we would have huge disk capacity

[18:20] <jubo2> and then it moves to hybrid model where the state pays but also SafeCoin is asked of those who use bigger amount of resources.. say over 500GB or whatever

[18:21] <jubo2> once the transition to the hybrid model is far enough it is safe to turn the digicash mints off and nothing drastic will happen

[18:22] <jubo2> coz #1, #2 and #3 are still intact even if the socialism is not systemic but more of the generosity of the patrons of the network

[18:23] <jubo2> somewhere while this happens I can buy pizza with my SafeCoin and the pizzeria keeper can pay for his storage and net presence needs with the SafeCoin creating a cycle of money

[18:25] <jubo2> so please brave Scots who are going to h4x this, don’t mess it up because it is a good thing

[18:25] <jubo2> me a go offline now

[18:26] <jubo2> All the best from Finlan.

Refugee reception and integration game vs. redistribution game (FIN and ENG)

Yesterday I heard someone describe a weird game on irc: Went approximatelly like this:

Refugee reception and integration game

Countries compete in how well they perform in integrating the asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants. Then the countries that took less asylum seekers pay the countries that took more based on how many they took and how they performed in the integration game.
Redistribution game by Jan-Claude Juncker ?

In the thoughts of Jan-Claude Juncker I am troubled by the possiblity it could mean that they start scorecarding the refugees and the ones with best scores can nearly freely choose their country and the worst off have to go to their least favourite country and guarantee that everyone is pissed off.

Eilen kuulin oudosta pelistä irkissä: meni suunnilleen näin:

Pakolaisten vastaanottopeli ja integrointipeli

Maat kilpailevat maassa asuvien turvapaikanhakijoiden, pakolaisten ja muiden maahanmuuttajien integraatiossa. Sitten maat jotka ovat ottaneet vähemmän pakolaisia maksavat niille maille joissa on otettu pakolaisia sen mukaan kuinka paljon ovat ottaneet ja kuinka hyvin ne ovat pärjänneet integraatiopelissä.

Jan-Claude Junckerin uudelleenjakelupeli

Näissä Jan-Claude Junckerin ajatuksissa mua huolestuttaa että ne rupee pisteyttään pakolaisia ja parhaat pisteet saaneet saavat valita maansa ja paskimmat pisteet saaneet joutuvat siihen maahan johon ne vähiten halusivat jolloin kaikkia varmasti vituttaa

#Fiction #Utopia 20?? extremely short story in English and Finnish

Juboxi in da hood low res
Author in da hood

#Fiction #Utopia #20??

#Ownwork #ByJuho #TranslationByJuho #English #Finnish   #TheScienceBehindFictionalShouldBeQuestioned


Once upon a time there was a world that was living in a long-lasting period of massive growth from the continuous and accelerating pace of scientific-technological development and especially from the massive efficiency gains brought on by self-service automation and full automation.

Some crazy things going on in the economy here and there had once again given the politico-economico-right-wing it’s favourite stuff “crisis awareness” of the masses which was largely being used to justify the right-wing politics.

Near the left edge of the left the argument for basic income was made based on the massive efficiency gains from self-service automation and full automation. This led to a campaign for planetary basic income that would be relative to the local price level to make it economically feasible, for payers as well receivers, which was all of us.

Support the author, hire him VAT incl. or employment contract basis – details and contact info http://byjuho.fi/contact-info/



Olipa kerran maailma joka eli valtavan pitkäkestoisen reaalituottavuuden kasvun aikaa alati jatkuvasta ja kiihtyvästä tieteellis-teknillisestä kehityksestä ja erityisesti itsepalveluautomaation sekä täysautomaation tuomasta valtavasta tuottavuuden kasvusta.

Talouden sekoilut vähän sielä sun täällä olivat taas antaneet poliittis-taloudellis-oikeistolaiselle eliitille yhtä sen lempparikamaa, kansan “kriisitietoisuutta” jonka perusteella oikeistolaista politiikkaa yleisesti perusteltiin.

Vasemmiston vasemmalla laidalla taas argumentti perustulon puolesta perustui juuri mainittuihin täys- ja itsepalveluautomaation tuottamaan valtavaan lisätehokkuuteen. Tämä johti kampanjaan planetaarisen perustulon puolesta joka olisi suhteutettu jokaisen alueen hintatasoon jotta se olisi taloudellisesti mahdollinen, niin maksajille kuin vastaanottajillekin, eli meille kaikille.

Tue kirjoittajaa, ALV 24% laskutus ja työsopimuspohjaisuus ok – Lisätietoja ja yhteystiedot http://byjuho.fi/contact-info/

Free safety innovation by Juho: Brake lights that flash 10-15Hz if person really steps on the brake

brake-light#free #safety #innovation http://ByJuho.fi #2015

Brake lights are a good idea. They stop accidents from happening. What if brake lights were made so that they burn steady red if moderate braking but if the person really steps on the break, for one reason or another then the lights would flash at 10-15Hz.

The additional strain on visual sense is minimal and I put my bets on that this would decrease bumper-benders and even serious serial collisions and cost practically nothing to implement if the legislators just picked up on this.

Retweet, like and employ Jubo-Jubo. Even shortest of contracts are sought. Billing with VAT or employment contract is ok.

Series: Featured sites on consum(er)ium development wiki main page – #1- The hunger site

First site I will review in this blog is The hunger site. Every click donates over a cup of food ( USian measure, about 400ml or 4dl ) of basic #staple food such as wheat, barley, rye, oat, rice or corn to people of the 800+ mln that go to be hungry and malfed.

This is a definitely a good algorithm for TheHungerSite: click once a day, on all computers you can. Clicking on the advertiser ads provides more food.

The hunger site has been up ever since the 90’s. I remember it since the 1998. The Hunger Site was added to the Main Page on 15:39, 24 April 2012‎ . It was the #3rd site that was added.

The hunger site logo
The hunger site logo


( Lowest Troll note: Now if just could give them some onions, oil and water to their pan and stove the trolls would be doing the meal happy dance while http://develop.consumerium.org/wiki/User:Juboxi/Kitchenblog#Consu-stew cooks )