Installed a TLS/SSL certificate for this site and wrote a blog post about it

Installed a TLS/SSL certificate for this site from using and DNS API for proving the domain ownership.

I have written a blog post about Installing a wildcard certificate on Linux using and a DNS Api. I recently updated the instructions on how to use if you need to install API keys for many different registrants.

Installing a wildcard certificate on Linux using and a DNS Api

First experiences with MaidSafe Network downloadables: MaidSafe Launcher and MaidSafe Demo App 0.0.1 logo used under the clauses of CC-BY-SA

MAID == Massive Array of Internet Disks

SAFE == Secure Access for Everyone

In ze Internets people have been watching this endeavour by the brave Scots very very carefully and keenly for a few years. If all goes well will make the current Internet the “Legacy Internet” rapidly by providing a shared digital commons wealth unseen before. is the community forum where you can catch the gist of how excited people are about MaidSafe Network and it’s significance to the future of population of Planet Earth.

Technically this endeavour is very bold and ambitious. The key people have donated all their patents, papers and code to the nonprofit MaidSafe Foundation though there is also a MaidSafe Ltd registered in Scotland to enable professional staff for the ongoing development and deployment effort. Funds were raised by selling off 10% of the ceiling of SafeCoin (cryptocash) amount (4-gigacoins) to an enthusiastic crowd. So you get the gist that these are highly creative individuals pushing the envelope onto the future.

Last week published it’s first downloadables that allow people to discover the MaidSafe test network. Word of caution: The test network is wiped occasionally when required by devops.

MaidSafe Launcher 0.3.0 – This is for connecting to the network – The login consists of three things: a pin, a keyword and a password. I don’t fully know what is the purpose of the “keyword” and the test network is getting reset whenever necessary for development and the credentials stop working because the secret identity that allows you to access your public identity no longer is there in the testnet.

Choose Pin, Keyword and Password to make anonymous identity on the network that you can bind public ids and services to
Choose Pin, Keyword and Password to make anonymous identity on the test network that you can bind public ids and services to.
After entering the credentials the Launcher will log on to the network to act as a gatekeeper to apps that want privileges to touch your public and private directories and files
After entering the credentials the Launcher will log on to the network to act as a gatekeeper to apps that want privileges to touch your public and private directories and files.























Now start the MaidSafe App and it asks the Launcher to ask you for privileges.

The launcher telling the user that MaidSafe Demo App 0.0.1 wants privileges to the network. Click allow
The launcher telling the user that MaidSafe Demo App 0.0.1 wants privileges to the network. Click allow


Launcher is the central location to manage permissions of local apps that want to interact with MaidSafe
Launcher is the central location to manage permissions of local apps that want to interact with MaidSafe














The MaidSafe Demo App 0.0.1
The MaidSafe Demo App 0.0.1















MaidSafe Demo App 0.0.1 that enables

  • Creation of Public ID that allows people to reach your network attached public services / sites and also
  • uploading public site / service to the network ( requires the DNS hacks to be viewable outisde of the Demo App )
  • uploading and downloading private directories and files

TODO: Install the DNS hacks and try those out and report here

Four free copyleft open source tools for system monitoring

Nice article on #free #copyleft #opensource #tools for #system #monitoring – #top, #atop, #htop and my favourite atm #glances