System monitoring and control software for [K]ubuntu / copyleft

Resource Monitor is a KDE5 Plasma Plasmoid Widget companion to the System Monitor. Install instructions in Muon Discoverer. One dependancy must be installed. It sits in your panel and reports CPU load and frequency, RAM and swap usage with tiny letters and numbers and graphics. Here seen in 2x high panel height
Psensor is a copyleft program, specifically GPL licensed installable from the ubuntu repositories with ‘sudo apt install psensor’
Cpufrequtils (ThinkWiki entry for cpufrequtils)are installable from the Ubuntu repositories by typing ‘sudo apt install cpufrequtils’ and contains 2 commands:
- cpufreq-info for querying the state of the cores and
- cpufreq-set for setting parameters.
Thinkpad Fan Control is a fan RPM control software written in C for the Thinkpad series of laptops. Apparently the normal controller has a ceiling at 4,500RPM but according to the internets the fan can be instructed to go 5,500RPM raising the noise pitch and volume slightly.
System monitoring software for Windows
Core Temp is a freeware Windows program and reports real time temp sensor data ( prlly algorithmically smoothed but much more stable ) and real time CPU frequency multiplier and frequency reading.
CPU-Z by CPUID is another good free-of-charge Windows program that will give you lot of information about your system also including the frequency multiplier used at each time
Synopsis of the original problem

Had a machine with a weird temperature problem here… It’s a 2011 Lenovo ThinkPad X201 with a 1st generation i5 known as Arrandale. CPU temperature control, maybe voltage control, maybe amp control is not working correctly in #Kubuntu. (UPDATE: Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge and newer intel systems should use the Intel P-State governor. Installation instructions for [K]ubunu here)
Temperature seems to be mostly dependent on the frequency of the CPU with some correation to load. Reported CPU fan rotation speed is 4,000-4,500 RPM and does not adequately respond to the heat situation.
(UPDATE: Directing high pressure pressurised air into the cooling elements while machine unpowered seems to have remedied the problem.)
#GNU/#Linukka heat shutdowns causing system being unusable. Before anyone starts about the GNU/Linukka treating the system and therefore the user more badly then a Microsoft Windows I must say that air conducts have not been cleaned and silicon heat paste has not been changed to fresh, new. I gonna get supplies to do that when I run into shop.
In Kubuntu15.10 GNU/Linukka burns the chip at ~ 90C ~ 2.0-2.5Ghz operating speed causing emergency shutdown because of temperature because the readings viewed in Psensor may flux 15-20C somewhat interdependent of CPU load. Windows 7 keeps the CPU ~ 1.5-2.0GHz quite independent from the load and the temps are in the acceptable ~ 70C zone with only 2-4C variance in the readings reported by CoreTemp.
* Bought a pressure air can and blasted the visible from exterior heat sink