Karaoke showdown: muvika.com vs. sin.ga

I’m trying out 2 competing #karaoke services at the moment.

* http://www.muvika.com/site/fi/ (fi and en) based in Espoo, Finland

* https://sin.ga/en (en, es, fi, it, sv) served from Amazon Web Services (AWS cloud)

Both have 1 month free trial after which it starts costing.

I will update this post once I have adequately assessed both. I’m looking at catalogue, technology, titling and audio track friendliness (backup singers).

A cost free option is to just stick “artist songname karaoke” into Youtube and hope for the best. You will find many English language songs with good quality karaoke titling with this.

Four free copyleft open source tools for system monitoring

Nice article on #free #copyleft #opensource #tools for #system #monitoring https://opensource.com/life/16/2/open-source-tools-system-monitoring – #top, #atop, #htop and my favourite atm #glances

Free services that help the SSL/TLS encryption administrator

https://mozilla.github.io/server-side-tls/ssl-config-generator/ by @mozilla helps you make your #SSL/#TLS stronger.

Mozilla logo used under clauses of https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en. Click pic for credits

Check your TLS strength free with https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/ @QualSys

Original HOWTO Install GNUsocial free social media software by-the-side of existing diaspora* pod on Debian8

Original HowTo by http://juboblo.gr #installingfreesome

  • #canworkwithoutsudo but this HowTo assumes #havesudo . Should be straightforward even #withoutsudo if existing LAMP (GNU/Linux, Apache or Nginx, MariaDB or MySQL and php) installed on the system. I used MariaDB and Nginx since the https://d.consumium.org #diaspora pod is configured to use that.
  • Normative instructions: https://git.gnu.io/gnu/gnu-social/blob/master/INSTALL

    GNU is GNU but GNU is not unikka but they do like each other a whole lot. Under Free Artist Licence – http://artlibre.org/licence/lal/en/ Click pic for credits
  • Also I read these slightly dated Debian specific instructions: https://levlaz.org/installing-gnu-social-on-a-debian-server/

Replacing MySQL with MariaDB

Following these instructions https://askubuntu.com/questions/531455/how-to-drop-in-replace-mysql-with-mariadb (written for Ubuntu14.04) blindly would have made a mess of this  but they still outline what you want to do. Since they wanted to remove the ruby specific stuff which I wanted to stay to retain diaspora* pod working.

So I shut down diaspora* processes the usual waya and MySQL with ‘mysqladmin -uroot -p stop’

The instructions say to

sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server mysql-client mysql-common

but I used instead

sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server mysql-client

Which left the ruby stuff in place which is a good idea since afaik MariaDB is binary  compatible with MySQL add-on stuff

followed by

sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get autoclean
sudo apt-get install mariadb-server

And MariaDB was up and running which I checked by ‘mysql -uroot -p’ so the downtime for the pod was only like 5 minutes for this step.

Installing the dependencies for GNUsocial

‘sudo aptitude install php5-curl php5-gd php5-gmp php5-intl php5-json php5-mysqlnd’

Installing optimizations / accelerators for GNUsocial

I went with this ‘ sudo aptitude install php5-xcache exif’

I’m not sure if php5-xcache (an opcode cache system) is what the official installation instructions refer to as ‘opcache’. At least /etc/php5/mods-available/ is showing a opcache.ini so I’m guess it was that.



Downloading GNUsocial code

‘sudo mkdir /var/www/gnusocial’

‘sudo chgrp www-data /var/www/gnusocial/’

‘sudo chmod g+w /var/www/gnusocial/’

‘sudo git clone https://git.gnu.io/gnu/gnu-social.git gnusocial/’

and you are done

Creating the database

From shell run

mysqladmin -u "root" -p create social
       GRANT ALL on social.*
       TO 'social'@'localhost'
       IDENTIFIED BY 'agoodpassword';

The command above is to be executed in the MariaDB client (start it with ‘mysql -uroot -p social’)

Get an SSL cert and key for your GNU social instance

I have not yet tried out https://letsencrypt.org/ but have heard good things about it and you cannot really beat the price of 0€. A few companies I am clientele of are supporting it financially. Mainly https://gandi.net – a very nice registrar. Good even if not the cheapest around. High sortiment of domain names and rock solid tek with the latest copyleft solutions.

Configure Apache/Nginx with the help of the example .conf files in the directory you cloned the social software into.

You can test the configuration file makes sense by

‘sudo nginx -t’

Remember to reload after editing.

‘sudo service nginx reload’

Finishing up

Once you have configured you httpd there is still one thing to do before proceeding to https://social.example.com/install.php

For some reason the installation guide did not mention that the default settings in the httpd.conf.example file expects unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock; to just be there.

install with

‘sudo aptitude php5-fpm’

This was how I got GNU social to work in the same box as the diaspora* pod.