Perustulon myyminen Suomen puolueille

Kokoomus logo
Kokoomuksen logo on suojeltu. Suomen ja Murican tekijänoikeuslait myöntävät “fair use” eli “reilu käyttö”-oikeudet. Ei harhaanjohtavuuksia, ei ongelmia. Logo of Kansallinen Kokoomus is protected by copyright and is fair use under Finnish and Murican law. No scamstery moves, no problems.

Kokoomus lienee haastavin joten käsitellään se ensimmäisenä tietenkin:

Ekonomistin kielellä asian ydin sanotaan
   "Työvoimakustannukset kasvaa ihan törkeen paljon."
mikä johtaa siihen että
"pääoman investoinnista vastineena saatavat tulovirrat laskevat jos työvoimakustannukset nousevat"
mutta rehti ekonomisti toteaa vielä että
"Kapitalismi kriisiytyy automaatioon menetettävän työtulon poistumisen takia."
ja näemme että se rehti ekonomisti jatkaa
"...perustulo ratkaisee tämän."
Tässä vaiheessa paantuneimmankin Kokomuslaisen suusta livahtaa toteavalla intonaatiolla sanottu “niiiin.” ja deal is ready to close paitsi jos ten-ninety.

Red flag made with 2-D vector graphics program
“Harmaa on hyvä väri.” ~ Ismo Alanko “Niin on punainenkin.” ~ Apteekkari Jubohi Ismolle. Used under CC-BY-SA 3.0 from Wikimedia Commons. Click picture for uploader credit. Is Homie Ssolbergj


Seuraavaksi Kommaristit ja listaan voidaan ynnätä demarit, vasurit ja kaikki muut vasemman näkökulman oletuksena selektoivat otukset ja niiden lurkkailu ja spiikkailumestat.:

ekonomisti lisää vielä:
"...ja työväen ahdingon työllisyyden menettämisessä automaatioon."
Kommaristi ei ole tyhmä. Kommaristi kokee perustulon omaksi asiakseen ja ei tarvitse ekonomistia kertomaan sitä hänelle. Homma on niin selvä että kommaristi näkee että “lapsikin näkee tämän.”
Följande patient prkl. Apteekkari Jubohilla ei ole koko päivää aikaa hoitaa sivupisneksiä.


Logo of Suomen Keskusta
Samma legalese som för Kokoomus
"Ai maaseutu piti pitää asuttuna? No perustulo ja sit jengi voi ajaa jotain Uberii tai Haxii muutaman tunnin kun kaikki landella edullisessa omakotitalossa asuvat ajokortittomat ei luota robottikutsubussiin vieläkään."

~ Apteekkari Jubohin hyllystä kohdasta “Miten perustulo myydään Keskustalle?”

Kristillisdemokraatit logo
Ja kiitämme Herran lisäksi myöskin Wikimedia Commonssin ylläpitäjiä jos kuva näkyy sekä tekijänoikeuslain säätöön osallistuneita tahoja.


 "Niin kuin te tahdotte ihmisten tekevän teille, niin tehkää te heille."

~ Jeesus (Luuk. 6:31)




Svenska folkpartiet i Finland logo
Svenska folkpartiet i Finland logo är protegerad. Finska och Muricanska lag ger “fair use”, “rejäl anvädning” rätt. Ingen scämming, ingen problem. Tackar uplådare.
"Se Samlings Parti, Kommarister, Pirater, Persut, Kristiskademokrater och Keskusta och i andan av stocknmannismen vi tillsätter lite här som finns inte i finska tekster: Villkorslös Grundinkomsten sparar pengar när man behöver inte sysselsätta Sossun altså nästan alla sossu och många FPA får spark just som dom sku få. Sossun inte går till fattigdom därför and hon/han/hen också får villkorslös grundinkomst. C'est practique, n'est pas?"

~ Apotekare Jubohi på sossun

Vihreat - De Gröna logo
Logo suojeltu. Reilu käyttö sallittu. Älä leikkaa sitä sademetsää.


Vihreät – De Gröna


"Nykymuotoinen kapitalismi on kriisi itsessään jos luonnonsuojelu otetaan tarkasteluun mukaan. Planeettoja on vain yksi mutta ahneita monta. Perustulon salliessa täysautomaatio-, itsepalveluautomaatio- ja ihmispalveluinnovaatioiden kehittämisen leppoisammalla tahdilla ja talouspaineella talous siirtyy materiaalisesta eksperientaalisempaan suuntaan. Veikkaisin että Äiti Maa arvostaisi."

Apteekkarin hyllystä kohdasta “Miten perustulo myydään Vihreille?”


Piraattipuolue logo
Piraattipuolueen logo piratoitu piraateilta suomen tekijänoikeuslait nullaten mennen tullen. Piratoi takasin.
"Tulevaisuuden päämäärä on täystyöttömyys jotta kaikki voivat piratoida."

~ Apteekkarin väärentämä täysin aito ja väärentämätön “Arthur C. Clarke sitaatti”. All reserves are righted.


Perussuomalaiset logo
Suojeltu logo. Reilu käyttö tekijänoikeuslain mukaisesti.
"Oikeestaan kerrotaan tässä totuus ja todetaan että konsensus kansan riveissä on se että sossut ja kelan byrokraatit on ihan paskoja ammatteja ja niille pitäis antaa potkut laajassa määrin jolloin ne tipahtaisivat pehmeästi perustulopatjan päälle."

Planetary basic income as political goal


Capitalism is going deeper into crisis and the current status quo (which Clinton seems to want to hold intact) that no replacing jobs are created and there seem to be no politicians pushing for planetary basic income funded from sharing the revenue streams generated by invested capital.

Due to human productivity the feasibly employable capital is growing constantly (unless we already dunn wreck the weather and will suffer from it) and this in conjunction by the scientific-technical advances, new service innovation and vast efficiency gains from self-service automation and full automation in ICT  drives growth of service productivity. These  should enable to pay planetary basic income.

Take away cab driver, bus driver, delivery truck driver, trucker and farm equipment operators’ jobs is what the automators are now proposing so you see that this decline of capitalism ain’t gonna be happy time for the middle-class and proles either.

I know the people who publicly advocate total despotic enforcement of maximal greed everywhere all the time by the invisible green hand (read: mostly republicans) fathomed by Adam Smith don’t want it totalitarian for those they consider their kin. Maybe peoples of the Earth need to rethink how they divide to kin/non-kin.

Call me commiemist, I’ll slice, dice and red red hot hot salsa salsa till everyone’s gotten something to eat and if there is more resources then I’ll crêpes with jam and whipped cream for dessert.


Here is an infographic:

“When you increase the buying power of the not-so-well off ones it all goes to their consumption which drives the economy forward. When you tax the rich it doesn’t come out of their spending but their (highly speculative and debt levered) investments (which are often not connected to the development of the real economy at all).”

First experiences with MaidSafe Network downloadables: MaidSafe Launcher and MaidSafe Demo App 0.0.1 logo used under the clauses of CC-BY-SA

MAID == Massive Array of Internet Disks

SAFE == Secure Access for Everyone

In ze Internets people have been watching this endeavour by the brave Scots very very carefully and keenly for a few years. If all goes well will make the current Internet the “Legacy Internet” rapidly by providing a shared digital commons wealth unseen before. is the community forum where you can catch the gist of how excited people are about MaidSafe Network and it’s significance to the future of population of Planet Earth.

Technically this endeavour is very bold and ambitious. The key people have donated all their patents, papers and code to the nonprofit MaidSafe Foundation though there is also a MaidSafe Ltd registered in Scotland to enable professional staff for the ongoing development and deployment effort. Funds were raised by selling off 10% of the ceiling of SafeCoin (cryptocash) amount (4-gigacoins) to an enthusiastic crowd. So you get the gist that these are highly creative individuals pushing the envelope onto the future.

Last week published it’s first downloadables that allow people to discover the MaidSafe test network. Word of caution: The test network is wiped occasionally when required by devops.

MaidSafe Launcher 0.3.0 – This is for connecting to the network – The login consists of three things: a pin, a keyword and a password. I don’t fully know what is the purpose of the “keyword” and the test network is getting reset whenever necessary for development and the credentials stop working because the secret identity that allows you to access your public identity no longer is there in the testnet.

Choose Pin, Keyword and Password to make anonymous identity on the network that you can bind public ids and services to
Choose Pin, Keyword and Password to make anonymous identity on the test network that you can bind public ids and services to.
After entering the credentials the Launcher will log on to the network to act as a gatekeeper to apps that want privileges to touch your public and private directories and files
After entering the credentials the Launcher will log on to the network to act as a gatekeeper to apps that want privileges to touch your public and private directories and files.























Now start the MaidSafe App and it asks the Launcher to ask you for privileges.

The launcher telling the user that MaidSafe Demo App 0.0.1 wants privileges to the network. Click allow
The launcher telling the user that MaidSafe Demo App 0.0.1 wants privileges to the network. Click allow


Launcher is the central location to manage permissions of local apps that want to interact with MaidSafe
Launcher is the central location to manage permissions of local apps that want to interact with MaidSafe














The MaidSafe Demo App 0.0.1
The MaidSafe Demo App 0.0.1















MaidSafe Demo App 0.0.1 that enables

  • Creation of Public ID that allows people to reach your network attached public services / sites and also
  • uploading public site / service to the network ( requires the DNS hacks to be viewable outisde of the Demo App )
  • uploading and downloading private directories and files

TODO: Install the DNS hacks and try those out and report here

On the SAFE Network, SafeCoin cryptocash and what’s going to happen in the future

#maidsafe #freenode #irc #logmaidsafe-logo-motif


[18:13] <jubo2> Suppose a situation where the SAFE Network has been opearting for N years

[18:14] <jubo2> … providing value to the beneficiaries of the commons

[18:15] <jubo2> … and fairly lotterying SafeCoin to the Farmers and the Builders

[18:15] <jubo2> [18:07] <jubo2> #1 Did SafeCoin guarantee the provision of valuable things in the past? Yes.

[18:15] <jubo2> [18:07] <jubo2> #2 Does SafeCoin currently guarantee the provision of valuable things? Well it is up, ain’t it?

[18:08] <jubo2> #3 Do you feel confident that the SafeCoin will guarantee also in future the provision of more and more services and resources to the beneficiaries of the commons?

[18:15] <jubo2> [18:09] <jubo2> All points #1, #2, #3 hold true for money, gold and SafeCoin _when_ MaidSafe has operated for N years?


[18:16] <jubo2> the point is that by the time the 4-gigacoin ceiling is hit the system will have moved to a hybrid model between socialism and free marketism

[18:17] <jubo2> and when the bell tolls for 4-gigacoins minted and paid to the farmers and builders the exchange rates between SafeCoin and other currencies has formed and also transition to free market has been seen when entities start charging SafeCoin from the bigger users

[18:18] <jubo2> So it starts out as pure socialism

[18:19] <jubo2> if all the connected world just hooked up their old boxes to wired internet we would have huge disk capacity

[18:20] <jubo2> and then it moves to hybrid model where the state pays but also SafeCoin is asked of those who use bigger amount of resources.. say over 500GB or whatever

[18:21] <jubo2> once the transition to the hybrid model is far enough it is safe to turn the digicash mints off and nothing drastic will happen

[18:22] <jubo2> coz #1, #2 and #3 are still intact even if the socialism is not systemic but more of the generosity of the patrons of the network

[18:23] <jubo2> somewhere while this happens I can buy pizza with my SafeCoin and the pizzeria keeper can pay for his storage and net presence needs with the SafeCoin creating a cycle of money

[18:25] <jubo2> so please brave Scots who are going to h4x this, don’t mess it up because it is a good thing

[18:25] <jubo2> me a go offline now

[18:26] <jubo2> All the best from Finlan.

#Fiction #Utopia 20?? extremely short story in English and Finnish

Juboxi in da hood low res
Author in da hood

#Fiction #Utopia #20??

#Ownwork #ByJuho #TranslationByJuho #English #Finnish   #TheScienceBehindFictionalShouldBeQuestioned


Once upon a time there was a world that was living in a long-lasting period of massive growth from the continuous and accelerating pace of scientific-technological development and especially from the massive efficiency gains brought on by self-service automation and full automation.

Some crazy things going on in the economy here and there had once again given the politico-economico-right-wing it’s favourite stuff “crisis awareness” of the masses which was largely being used to justify the right-wing politics.

Near the left edge of the left the argument for basic income was made based on the massive efficiency gains from self-service automation and full automation. This led to a campaign for planetary basic income that would be relative to the local price level to make it economically feasible, for payers as well receivers, which was all of us.

Support the author, hire him VAT incl. or employment contract basis – details and contact info



Olipa kerran maailma joka eli valtavan pitkäkestoisen reaalituottavuuden kasvun aikaa alati jatkuvasta ja kiihtyvästä tieteellis-teknillisestä kehityksestä ja erityisesti itsepalveluautomaation sekä täysautomaation tuomasta valtavasta tuottavuuden kasvusta.

Talouden sekoilut vähän sielä sun täällä olivat taas antaneet poliittis-taloudellis-oikeistolaiselle eliitille yhtä sen lempparikamaa, kansan “kriisitietoisuutta” jonka perusteella oikeistolaista politiikkaa yleisesti perusteltiin.

Vasemmiston vasemmalla laidalla taas argumentti perustulon puolesta perustui juuri mainittuihin täys- ja itsepalveluautomaation tuottamaan valtavaan lisätehokkuuteen. Tämä johti kampanjaan planetaarisen perustulon puolesta joka olisi suhteutettu jokaisen alueen hintatasoon jotta se olisi taloudellisesti mahdollinen, niin maksajille kuin vastaanottajillekin, eli meille kaikille.

Tue kirjoittajaa, ALV 24% laskutus ja työsopimuspohjaisuus ok – Lisätietoja ja yhteystiedot

Bayer Corporation threatening with legal scare over campaign against bee killing pesticides, an NGO to empower inhabitants  of Planet Earth is being harassed by Bayer Corporation lawyers for their campaigning against the bee-killing pesticides.Picture of a bee courtesy of Wikipedia is linked from main page since it is quite clearly an aligned effort.

Neonicotinoids have been proven to kill bees threatening the ecosystems as bees are important pollinators. Further emphasis on the issue is the new research indicating that bee venom kills HIV and cancer.

Donate at

I did and will do it again when my financial situation allows.

Further reading:
