On the SAFE Network, SafeCoin cryptocash and what’s going to happen in the future

#maidsafe #freenode #irc #logmaidsafe-logo-motif


[18:13] <jubo2> Suppose a situation where the SAFE Network has been opearting for N years

[18:14] <jubo2> … providing value to the beneficiaries of the commons

[18:15] <jubo2> … and fairly lotterying SafeCoin to the Farmers and the Builders

[18:15] <jubo2> [18:07] <jubo2> #1 Did SafeCoin guarantee the provision of valuable things in the past? Yes.

[18:15] <jubo2> [18:07] <jubo2> #2 Does SafeCoin currently guarantee the provision of valuable things? Well it is up, ain’t it?

[18:08] <jubo2> #3 Do you feel confident that the SafeCoin will guarantee also in future the provision of more and more services and resources to the beneficiaries of the commons?

[18:15] <jubo2> [18:09] <jubo2> All points #1, #2, #3 hold true for money, gold and SafeCoin _when_ MaidSafe has operated for N years?


[18:16] <jubo2> the point is that by the time the 4-gigacoin ceiling is hit the system will have moved to a hybrid model between socialism and free marketism

[18:17] <jubo2> and when the bell tolls for 4-gigacoins minted and paid to the farmers and builders the exchange rates between SafeCoin and other currencies has formed and also transition to free market has been seen when entities start charging SafeCoin from the bigger users

[18:18] <jubo2> So it starts out as pure socialism

[18:19] <jubo2> if all the connected world just hooked up their old boxes to wired internet we would have huge disk capacity

[18:20] <jubo2> and then it moves to hybrid model where the state pays but also SafeCoin is asked of those who use bigger amount of resources.. say over 500GB or whatever

[18:21] <jubo2> once the transition to the hybrid model is far enough it is safe to turn the digicash mints off and nothing drastic will happen

[18:22] <jubo2> coz #1, #2 and #3 are still intact even if the socialism is not systemic but more of the generosity of the patrons of the network

[18:23] <jubo2> somewhere while this happens I can buy pizza with my SafeCoin and the pizzeria keeper can pay for his storage and net presence needs with the SafeCoin creating a cycle of money

[18:25] <jubo2> so please brave Scots who are going to h4x this, don’t mess it up because it is a good thing

[18:25] <jubo2> me a go offline now

[18:26] <jubo2> All the best from Finlan.

Refugee reception and integration game vs. redistribution game (FIN and ENG)

Yesterday I heard someone describe a weird game on irc: Went approximatelly like this:

Refugee reception and integration game

Countries compete in how well they perform in integrating the asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants. Then the countries that took less asylum seekers pay the countries that took more based on how many they took and how they performed in the integration game.
Redistribution game by Jan-Claude Juncker ?

In the thoughts of Jan-Claude Juncker I am troubled by the possiblity it could mean that they start scorecarding the refugees and the ones with best scores can nearly freely choose their country and the worst off have to go to their least favourite country and guarantee that everyone is pissed off.

Eilen kuulin oudosta pelistä irkissä: meni suunnilleen näin:

Pakolaisten vastaanottopeli ja integrointipeli

Maat kilpailevat maassa asuvien turvapaikanhakijoiden, pakolaisten ja muiden maahanmuuttajien integraatiossa. Sitten maat jotka ovat ottaneet vähemmän pakolaisia maksavat niille maille joissa on otettu pakolaisia sen mukaan kuinka paljon ovat ottaneet ja kuinka hyvin ne ovat pärjänneet integraatiopelissä.

Jan-Claude Junckerin uudelleenjakelupeli

Näissä Jan-Claude Junckerin ajatuksissa mua huolestuttaa että ne rupee pisteyttään pakolaisia ja parhaat pisteet saaneet saavat valita maansa ja paskimmat pisteet saaneet joutuvat siihen maahan johon ne vähiten halusivat jolloin kaikkia varmasti vituttaa

#Fiction #Utopia 20?? extremely short story in English and Finnish

Juboxi in da hood low res
Author in da hood

#Fiction #Utopia #20??

#Ownwork #ByJuho #TranslationByJuho #English #Finnish   #TheScienceBehindFictionalShouldBeQuestioned


Once upon a time there was a world that was living in a long-lasting period of massive growth from the continuous and accelerating pace of scientific-technological development and especially from the massive efficiency gains brought on by self-service automation and full automation.

Some crazy things going on in the economy here and there had once again given the politico-economico-right-wing it’s favourite stuff “crisis awareness” of the masses which was largely being used to justify the right-wing politics.

Near the left edge of the left the argument for basic income was made based on the massive efficiency gains from self-service automation and full automation. This led to a campaign for planetary basic income that would be relative to the local price level to make it economically feasible, for payers as well receivers, which was all of us.

Support the author, hire him VAT incl. or employment contract basis – details and contact info http://byjuho.fi/contact-info/



Olipa kerran maailma joka eli valtavan pitkäkestoisen reaalituottavuuden kasvun aikaa alati jatkuvasta ja kiihtyvästä tieteellis-teknillisestä kehityksestä ja erityisesti itsepalveluautomaation sekä täysautomaation tuomasta valtavasta tuottavuuden kasvusta.

Talouden sekoilut vähän sielä sun täällä olivat taas antaneet poliittis-taloudellis-oikeistolaiselle eliitille yhtä sen lempparikamaa, kansan “kriisitietoisuutta” jonka perusteella oikeistolaista politiikkaa yleisesti perusteltiin.

Vasemmiston vasemmalla laidalla taas argumentti perustulon puolesta perustui juuri mainittuihin täys- ja itsepalveluautomaation tuottamaan valtavaan lisätehokkuuteen. Tämä johti kampanjaan planetaarisen perustulon puolesta joka olisi suhteutettu jokaisen alueen hintatasoon jotta se olisi taloudellisesti mahdollinen, niin maksajille kuin vastaanottajillekin, eli meille kaikille.

Tue kirjoittajaa, ALV 24% laskutus ja työsopimuspohjaisuus ok – Lisätietoja ja yhteystiedot http://byjuho.fi/contact-info/