Hello. Hello. Real name is Juho but friends call me jubo, jubo-jubo, jubos, jubox or juboxi so there we go. I come from Finlan or fin de pays.
- Other stuff by me ( and sometimes even other people )
- Consumium / Consumerium – Enhancing Consumer Informedness effort 2002 – Consum(er)ium in under 5 minutes http://develop.consumerium.org/wiki/Consumerium:Executive_summary
- http://PalestineTunne.li ( previously .org ) since 2004
- https://d.consumium.org/ diaspora* pod since 2013 podmin juboxi@d.consumium.org
- http://juho.iki.fi - Retro style, hand written php and html
- Twitter, Reddit, Facebook @Juboxi