About juboblo.gr

Hello. Hello. Real name is Juho but friends call me jubo, jubo-jubo, jubos, jubohi jubox, jukeboksi or juboxi so there we go.

Got a professional stuff blog at https://ByJuho.fi. Please come make contracts with me. SME marketing, writing copy, graphics, translations and interactive translation. From planning through implementation and information technical know-how with care. Recent work: TLS encryption with LetsEncrypt.org free 90-day certs with cert renewal automation by EFF’s certbot. Finnish/English/Swedish working languages available. VAT 24% billing via http://Finjob.fi

byjuho-screenshot-newInquire juho (at) iki (dot) fi for affordable arrangements ( yearly / monthly / hourly / lump sum  / mixed basis / revenue sharing / shareholder incentive)

  • Will commute Metropolitan Helsinki area for 4 hrs work or more and will gladly travel worldwide expenses reimbruised .
  • Even shortest of contracts valued and sought
  • Copyleft tools preferred but will also work with proprietary software.
Juboxi in da hood low res
Apotheker Jubohi in da hood low res. Photo credit: Elias Chirac

I come from Flag of Finland courtesy of Wikipedia Finlan or fin de pays but this domain is from Greek flag courtesy of Wikipedia Ελλάδα. Thought I’d carry my straw to the heap.

I am a #consumerempowerment, #copyleft, #wiki, #peace and #freesome enthusiast and occasionally ten thousand monkeys pounding on my midi controller.


Other stuff by me (and sometimes even with other people)

Consum(er)ium logo
Consumerium – Enhancing Consumer Informedness


Consum(er)ium - Enhancing Consumer Informedness
Consumerium motif is located in the Mandelbrot fractal third round thingy to the left. Also available in hues of orange and green.


Consumerium – Enhancing Consumer Informedness Effort  since April 2002 – Get clued to Consum(er)ium in under 5 minutes here





http://PalestineTunnel.org – The original boring lucid dream since September 2004.

Jubo-Jubohi pledges 50€, only 14,999,999,950€ short (estimate).

I would like to mention that 15B€ is only few hours worth of the World GDP.

Logo of PalestineTunnel.org
“PalestineTunnel.org – There Is a Way”







“Commiemism, best ism.”

Member of http://perustulo.org/, a part of the http://www.basicincome.org/ Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) and member of Left Alliance, which belongs to GUE/NGL in the European Parliament

iki.fi logo
Internet Käyttäjät Ikuisesti ry.

IKI Internet Users Forever Association is a lifetime email and web

Earliest known foto of Juboxi on ze Internets ca. 2003
Earliest known foto of Juboxi on ze Internets ca. 2003. Location: University test field, Kännermäki. Mission: commiemism and barley derivatives

relaying service. Never ever again get bogged down by tie-in to email provider and never lose password recovery since the membership is for lifetime. Membership available to private individuals only. IKI has never needed to collect yearly fees as all services have been provided using just the revenue of more and more people joining and paying the 30€ membership fee.

Member http://juho.iki.fi since 1996⁠  – Retro style, hand written php longevity counter, a perl script to convert MediaWiki and TiddlyWiki syntax and html from the last millenium. Moving along.

Also a proud member of http://kapsi.fi Internet User Association. Membership (40€ / annum) available only to private individuals and features:

Kapsi Internetkäyttäjät ry. logo
Kapsi.fi Internet Users Association – All the copyleft candy you can expect from an Internet Users’ Association. Membership available only to private individuals

Up-to-550GB storage, secure shell access, webmail, websites, httpd, php, individual sub-domain inclusive and basically all the relevant copyleft candy an active Internet user requires with rock-solid sudoers in controll.







Consumium.org logo
Consumium – Free social media and more

Consumium – Free social media and more since 2013

Juboxi is an avid #freesome fan and can be found admining the following four:

an diaspora* logo
d* decentralized, free and ad-free social network

https://d.consumium.org/ diaspora* pod since July 2013 podmin juboxi@d.consumium.org

Diaspora* is a privacy, consumer protection and access control focused freesome since 2010. It has wonderful people posting wonderful content. It pioneered the use of “aspects” for finely granulating who gets to see what  (you may know these as “circles” from Google+). Pictures uploaded to diaspora* cannot be linked to or seen by others than those aspects that you have specified.

Check out the competition for diaspora* #freesome users at podupti.me

GNU social logo
GNU social is a nice #freesome formerly known as StatusNet

https://social.consumium.org/ microblogging instance running since February 2016. I’m @juboxi@social.consumium.org

GNU social is an easy to grasp and learn no-nonsense contender in the #freesome scene. Pay attention to the URLs you see and you will see in plain text how the software designers. Unintrusive and versatile.

Check out the competition for GNU social #freesome users at fediverse.org


Hubzilla logo
Hubzilla is also a very nice #freesome formerly known as Red Matrix

https://hub.consumium.org/ running since March 2016. My personal channel is juboxi@hub.consumium.org. Hubzilla utilises the concept of “channels”. You can manage an arbitrary amount of channels from a single login using your email address as your identifier. Each channel has a shorthand address addressname@hub.example.com that other participants of the network can subscribe to. In Hubzilla the login is to the network, not the hub which means that you can bilocate channels between multiple hubs for added data persistence and also fully emigrate a channel to another hub at will.

Check out the competition for Hubzilla #freesome users at the-federation.info (also more options for your freesome needs if these three don’t satisfy your quench for freedom from the commercial some profit-making agenda and the useless ads no-one wants to see).

Friendica logo
Friendica logo courtesy of friendica.com

https://friendica.consumium.org/network Friendica is the least learning curve for the Facebook refugee wishing to escape the Facebook more and more frequently.





http://GloBBA12.si/ business study wiki since August 2012. Domain is Slovenian Flag of Slovenia courtesy of Wikipedia

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